
Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Toronto Public Libraries: Help Stop the Bleeding!

More austerity is planned for Toronto's public library system in the 2014 City budget, unless we all act together to change it. Did you know that adequate funding of our public libraries would cost just two cents a day for each Torontonian?

However, the proposed 2014 budget shortchanges the TPL by refusing to fund their plan to make our public library more accessible, by expanding the number of hours branches are open. And, if the City’s budget proposal is approved as is, the TPL will be left vulnerable to the grinding effects of inflation that slowly eats away at its ability to serve all of us.

A representative from the TPL just finished delivering a budget presentation to the City Budget Committee, and their message was short and sweet: adequately finance our public library for 2014, and start a long-term plan to re-invest in the best library system in North America.

Unfortunately, they only had a few minutes to persuade Councillors, so they need your help to amplify that message:

Please send a message to urge your city councillor to stop the bleeding of our public library! 


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