
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Meeting Anne Rice (TIBF)

Last weekend, I took part in the inaugural INSPIRE! Toronto International Book Fair. Along with other members of the Ontario Chapter of the Horror Writers Association, I chatted about all things horror over the course of four days.

Although this was the primary reason for being there, the fan in me took over for a couple of hours when I had the opportunity to meet the author who solidified my interest in vampires in the first place: Anne Rice!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Terrors from the Lobby! (part two)

As always, when I attend local fan conventions, I keep an eye out for one of my favourite shops in Toronto: the Hollywood Canteen. So when I was at Horror-Rama a couple of weeks ago, I made sure to stop by their booth. Since I'm in the middle of researching and writing my new book, The Great Fright North, I'm on the lookout for anything to do with Canadian pop culture horrors. As always, the Hollywood Canteen had a great selection to choose from!

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Horror-Rama 2014

Toronto's newest fan convention dedicated to horror, and counter-culture film, has come and gone. Horror-Rama, which took place on November 1 & 2, was sponsored by Suspect Video and Fangoria magazine (with major support from Anchor Bay Canada). By all accounts, the show was a success, and they plan to have a follow-up con next year.