
Thursday, October 28, 2021

Inside FANGORIA 138 (November, 1994)

In November, 1994, I watched Neil Jordan's Interview with the Vampire for the first time, at a theatre in North Vancouver. Having been a fan of Anne Rice's books since the late 1980s, I eagerly anticipated this film adaptation--and was not disappointed. That is why I pretty much bought any magazine with an article about that movie, such as Fangoria 138, so many of these "inside look" posts will likely feature a few magazines from that time. 

This one has an excellent preview of the film, plus a great article about renowned artist Basil Gogos. And there are ads--many, many ads--for a lengthy trip down memory lane. 

Mosquito (1994). Human-sized bloodsuckers!

Contents page

Stephen King library book club

Weekend of Horrors in L.A.

Horror music on CD

Complections makeup school

Weekend of Horrors, NYC

Wicked Games (1994)

Ancient Futures sculptures

Dick Smith's makeup course

Darth Vader sculpture (I have this!)

Joe Blasco school

Full Moon Fan Club ft. Puppet Master 5 (1994)

Judge Dredd t-shirts

Masks from The Mask (1994)

Judge Dredd model kits

Critter hand puppet from Critters 4 (1992)

Yet another makeup school

Monster Makers

Star Blazers and Yamato VHS and t-shirt

...and another SFX school...

Gore Store

Gore Store

Scream Queen store

Full Moon Fan Club ft. Shrunken Heads (1994)

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