
Un-Dead TV: The Ultimate Guide to Vampire Television

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Vampires are ubiquitous in our popular culture—from movies to television, in fiction and art, and even within the hallowed halls of academia. But in the not-so-distant past, these undead creatures held more fear than fascination; they lived in the shadows and were the stuff of nightmares. In 1897, Bram Stoker introduced Dracula to the Western world—and our concept of vampires was changed forever.

In 1949, Bela Lugosi—best known for his starring role in the feature film Dracula (1931)—appeared on one of the first televised variety series: The Texaco Star Theater. Dressed as the iconic bloodsucker, Lugosi brought the vampire into our living rooms—and so began the undead presence on television. This medium has played a critical role in the evolution of the vampire; they’ve become as diverse as the population that they prey upon, and every generation creates their own interpretation.

For over sixty years, the undead have bled the television airwaves, appearing in every type of programming imaginable. Un-Dead TV catalogues over one thousand unique vampire appearances—and is the first book of its kind to explore this phenomenon to the extent that it truly deserves. 

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